Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

St. Patrick Catholic Church, Janesville, Wisconsin

Detail of St. Patrick's stained glass window in the nave of Janesville's oldest parish.  Here St Patrick is shown driving snakes off the Emerald Isle, as the legend goes.  As is typical in St. Patrick artwork, he is dressed in bishop's clothes and wielding a crosier.

A full view of the window, as see from the opposite side of the nave.  The church is Janesville oldest standing Catholic church building, built in the 19th century.  From the words of a kind parishioner, this and the bulk of the other windows also date to that time period. 

A little insight regarding the funding or sponsorship for this window: "Donated by St. Patrick's Court W.C.O.F No. 318"

St. Patrick Parish
315 Cherry Street  Janesville, WI 53548